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Curriculum and Classes

Aftercare and Full Day Camps (4-12 yrs)

(Due Monday, $5 per day late fee)
$95 ($30 Per day drop in)
$90 per week ($30 Per day drop In)
$55 Weekly ($30 Per day Drop in)
$70 (excludes the field trip fees)
$40 per child
*Payment Methods:
Money Order, Credit Card,
Square Cash App
We welcome childcare certificates.

Tuition and Fees*
Infants (beginning at 6 wks)
1-5 Years Full Day
School Age After school
6-12 Full Day Summer
Registration Fee

Enrollment Eligibility
1. Tour preschool and meet with the Director
2. Complete an Enrollment Application
3. Provide a copy of your child’s birth certificate.
4. Provide a copy of your child’s immunization form
     (health department or pediatrician).
5. Completed copy of the Child Nutrition Meal Application
6. Submit a signed Policy Agreement Statement
7. Submit tuition, Annual Registration and supply fees

Little Einstein’s Aftercare and Full Day Camps are fun and students engage in physical, learning and imaginative
activities that encourage them to explore who they are and what they can achieve. In addition to supplementing
what they have learned in school, they participate in interactive learning models that engage critical thinking skills,
get assistance with their homework, and have a chance to socialize with each other and form long-lasting
friendships that enhance their development, growth and self-confidence. School age kids also have the
opportunity to participate in a variety of literacy activities and HEPA activities (healthy eating, physical activities).
A safe place to learn, have fun and get active.

Grades K - 6        Monday-Friday on regular school days          After School Care          School Release Days

We pickup from:
Headstart-Richard Brandon, Mary C. Jones, Midtown, and Holy Ghost
Elementary schools-Casey, Spann, Mccloud, McWillie, North Jackson, Johnson, Dawson, GN Smith and Boyd

We use the Early Learning Guidelines and Early Learning Standards curriculum which is recommended by the Mississippi State Department of Education and the Quality Stars Rating
System for Early Education Programs. These standards create a framework to ensure children are ready to process information needed for a smooth transition to the Common Core
Curriculum implemented in our public school's K5 classrooms. All of our teachers have been trained to implement these benchmarks using methods that best match the way we know
young children learn and develop.

In summary, the curriculum will provide:
• A fun, engaging and safe environment for learning
• Clear and consistent activities with a specific sequence
• Transitions that give your child control of their environment
• Extensive language and literacy integration
• Cutting edge phonics and math programs
We offer: Bouncing Babies (1:5 ratio), Wonderful 1's (1:9 ratio),
Terrific 2's (1:12 ratio), Thinking 3's (1:14 ratio), and
Fantastic 4-5's (1:16 ratio)
Special needs children welcomed.

Hours of Operation
Little Einstein’s Learning Lab School hours of operation are Monday through Friday 7:00a.m.-5:30pm.
We ask that when picking up your child, you arrive no later than 5:25pm so that you may have time to gather your child’s belongings and speak with your child’s teacher.
We close at 5:30pm sharp.
$1 per minute late fee per child.

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